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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Postsecret strikes again! sunday morning headdesk moment.

i saw down with my coffee and pulled up Postsecret, hoping to get some chuckles before starting my day.

instead of secrets that gave me shits and giggles, i read this:

a couple of questions immediately came to mind:

1) why do racists continually blame their racism on the other person?

and more worrisome:

2) what does it mean that the writer chose a stock photo of 2 small male children to illustrate how working in law enforcement "makes" him or her racist? they aren't doing anything sinister or anything needing police intervention....why THAT photo?

3) if someone in law enforcement is expressing racism and using a photo of children to illustrate the point...well, now how is that supposed to help foster confidence in the police?

keeping it real: if someone wrote a secret with a picture of two young girls and said "working in the sex crimes unit of my police department has made me hate women" a woman, i'm gonna be alarmed on many, many levels.

in my local town, whenever there are local stories of crime in which the perpetrator is black, you can find many many MANY comments linking the crime of that person to his (and my) race. yet, when you have instances in which the perpetrator is white (coughDAVIDCRESPIcough!), you don't see the same linking of the action of the man to the white race.

i don't feel like anyone should give the writer of the card props for being brave enough to be honest. it's like i told a friend a few years ago, "you don't get a pat on the back for being honest when what you're saying is some ol' bullshit!"

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