can anyone help me figure out why someone would rather talk crackheadedly about a service organization instead of talking about the hate group they're being compared to....TOM TANCREDO!

TANCREDO: If you belong to an organization called La Raza, in this case, which is, from my point of view anyway, nothing more than a Latino — it’s a counterpart — a Latino KKK without the hoods or the nooses. If you belong to something like that in a way that’s going to convince me and a lot of other people that it’s got nothing to do with race. Even though the logo of La Raza is “All for the race. Nothing for the rest.” What does that tell you?
SANCHEZ: Alright. We’re not talking about — we’re not talking about La Raza –
TANCREDO: She’s a member! She’s a member of La Raza!
now, unless tancredo is delusional, he knows very well that what he is saying is false, inflammatory, and potentially dangerous. i mean, perhaps he really thinks that an organization who's purpose is to support civil rights and improve opportunities for Hispanics is the same as a group who's purpose is to eradicate all races that are not know, without the hoods and ropes and murder and all.
some bloggers have pointed out that this type of rhetoric from the right is called blowing the dog-whistle. these types of words affect those of us with all of our marbles a certain way. it's a whole over story with some among us who have lost most of our marbles. those a little less marbled get a whole other meaning from the words, ya dig?
here's what would be great. it would be great if the republicans stopped embarrassing themselves by calling this woman "racist" when so many among their own ranks have done and said racist things repeatedly. and it would be great if, since they seem to be so concerned with racism, that they use they outrage for actual hate-groups that are commiting horrible acts of violence and intimidation in this country.
but i imagine that right around the time that happens, a unicorn with rainbow hair and a nose ring will come to my house Saturday morning and play a rousing game of crazy 8s with me.
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