taking all of those facts into account, i quickly deduced that watching the show didn't sound as undesirable as getting up and walking across the room. i would imagine that the Hogans have laziness to thank for much of the show's ratings.
so, lucky lucky me, i happened to see the episode in which Hulk Hogan introduced his daughter to his new girlfriend. because, ya see, Hulk and Linda have separated and hooked up with new people. Linda, much to the irritation of Hulk and Brooke, has been jumping up and down on a 19 year old boy who went to high school with Brooke.
but at no time at all during this episode did anyone blink, give a double take, or openly retch at the fact that the Hulk is basically effing his daughter.
Hulk and Brooke, Hulk and Jennifer....er, wait. wait. meh, i dunno.
listen i can totally empathize with Brooke's feelings. it cannot be easy to watch your mom have an affair with someone not even of legal age while living in the house you spent much of your childhood. but for the life of me, i cannot understand why NO ONE is pointing out how wrong this situation right here is!

"i have no idea why people say we look alike!" "who put this talking mirror beside me!!"
during this episode, Hulk invited Brooke and Jennifer out to dinner to introduce them, telling them repeatedly how much they had in common! Jennifer works for Delta, Brooke flies Delta (Continental, she answers dryly), Jennifer love the sun, Brooke loves the Sun, Jennifer loves the outdoors, Brooke loves the outdoors...
the hair on my neck was standing up waiting for the "Jennifer looks like Brooke, Brooke looks like Jennifer, Jennifer looks at my dick...."
no, my mind cannot complete the sentence.
so, i don't know, in my opinion having sex with a girl who looks like your kid is WAY worse than having sex with someone else's 19 year old kid. but here' s something to consider:
is it possible, Jennifer, that Hulk is with you because you look like a younger version of Linda?
i bet that pisses her off more than looking like Brooke.
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