and here we go again: people acting like racists while professing their lack of racism. let's apply this logic to other scenarios and see if it holds water, shall we?
- i force children to have sex, but i'm not a pedophile.
- i steal money from old people, but i'm not an amoral thief.
- i constantly tell lies, but i'm not a liar.
- i don't eat meat, but i'm not a vegetarian.
- i wear a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus and swim under the surface of the ocean, but i'm not a scuba diver.
nope....i still cannot seem to make this line of reasoning make even the slightest bit of sense.
but here's what i know for a fact:
the use of the word nigger is designed to strip the humanity from black people and is meant to remind them of the power differential between white and black races . even a person of no financial means or little education can and do use this word to let it be known that whiteness is more valued in this country.
this truth is the rationale behind the punchline to the old "joke" what do you call a black man with a Ph.D?
i'm tired of the old "i'm not (fill in the blank) but" shell game that people like to play. that game people play right before they tell the racist/sexist/homophobic/ xenophobic/generally fucked up "joke."
so to borrow Bill Maher's phrase, here's the new rule: if you don't want to be called a racist, stop doing and saying racist shit.
seems simple, right?
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