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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Like it or not? I pick not.

so i read an irritating little number today on msnbc that informed me that Like it or not, name can impact your career.

it was full of anecdotes about the motel owner who made his Latino employees white-out their names. this is the same guy who states he once made his black employees do the same thing without any complaint, so what's the problem? he's a defense attorney's dream client, am i right?

and just when i thought the article was going to save itself by pointing out that “changing somebody’s name is something that could be viewed as intentionally discriminatory or not but it still could have a disparate impact on a certain group of workers," it throws itself back into the bullshsit bag with this statement:

"If, however, the employer has some legitimate business reason for asking a worker to change his or her name, he said, and is not only singling out one group, then that may be a different story."

i'm really hard pressed to think up any legitimate business reasons which would necessitate an employer asking an employee to white out his or her name. but what do i know, i only investigate discrimination for a living.

and the article presses forth on the Bullshit Express, we get this particular infuriating tidbit of advice from Bruce Lansky, a guy who wrote down a bunch of baby names and got it published. he advises:

“If you’re picking a name for your child, it’s reasonable to select a name that reflects your ethnicity but which will strike most people as ‘familiar’ or ‘mainstream’ rather than ‘foreign’ or ‘off-putting.’”

see what he did there? he set up some nice helpful synonyms for us. Familiar is to Mainstream as Foreign is to Off-putting.


“A foreign-sounding or highly ethnic-sounding name will have people wondering if they spoke English in the household, or if they’ll be able to get along and mix with Americans.”

soooooo, i guess the job history and educational background which are listed on an applicant's resume or application couldn't answer any of those questions, right? because we're just gonna assume someone with a foreign (off-putting) sounding name can't possibly be American. Right?

He suggested finding names that are part of your culture or ethnicity but are not too overt. For example, he said, “if you’re Irish, you could choose Kevin or Shawn, instead of Dermott or Shamus.”

Or use an Anglo-sounding name as the middle name, he noted, giving a child a choice on what to use when they get older. “It can be Abdullah and his middle name can be Henry,” he said.

the author of the article could have talked about how the certain someones in positions of hiring or authority believe they have a right to tell certain browner someones that their names are wrong, and how this is a monstrously obvious show of the privilege and power that drives Racism and Oppression in the country. but nah, why go through all that when she could let us know that she used white-out on her own name, choosing to be know "professionally" as Eve. rather than Evanthia.

"But you do mind if we call you Sal?"

the bottom line?

stop scaring Americans with your foreign, off-putting names! otherwise, you're gonna force someone to discriminate against you on your job. and why would you want to play the race card like that, Abdullah Henry??

afterall, “most people in America are not bigoted, but they do have comfort zones.”

Thursday, November 19, 2009

is it too much to ask?

*taps mic*

Twas wondering:

why is it when Hollywood makes movies about angels, they speak like Princess Diana and look like footballers for Manchester United? would it kill them to make a movie where an angel looks like me?

that being said, i'm probably gonna see this movie. because the angels look like footballers for Manchetser United.

*drops mic*

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Happy Hump Day!

Go, reader! Go, reader! shake ya money makah! get busy! it's ya birthday! not really! well maybe! go, go, go, go!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

something to shake your bum to.

don't sprain anything. that would be dreadful.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

hey Mika? Dr. Laura wants her schtick back.

Mika Brzezinski, the long suffering eye rolling co-host of Morning Joe, wrote a blog today on Huffington Post. in it she revealed some of the tips she shares with "young women about life lessons and TV career choices." for the most part, it read like the script from Up Close and Personal, but things really got good when she got to her coup de grĂ¢ce: don't "forget" to get married and have some kids, girlfriends! and start in your 20s if you have to!!!

oh, yes she did.

Mika explains that if you think finding a good job is hard, wait until you get a load of how hard it is to find a descent mate to marry and procreate with:

"Bad news, girls. The odds are definitely better on getting the right job than getting a good partner for life...Don't push away that chance if you're one of the lucky ones who find that partner. And remember, you can always change a job. I hear it's much harder to switch out a husband."


"But let's talk about the greatest gift a woman can receive: being a mommy. For professional women, there simply is NO good time to have a baby. Putting it off only makes the challenges greater. Having babies after 35 increases medical risk and is, lets face it, exhausting. It is also trying on a marriage and a career."

*headdesk headdesk headdesk headdesk!*

here it is, 2009, and some people refuse to grasp this very simple concept: not every woman is foaming at the mouth at the idea of being someone's mother. and the false belief that a woman who isn't worked up about the notion is lying to herself is insulting and boneheaded.

no really: some chicks couldn't possible care any less than they do about having children. so please.

and how antiquated is the advice of "if you find a good man, girls, you better latch on and never let go because there might be plenty of fish in the sea....but most of them are floating by dead"?

another newsflash! not everyone is 1) HETEROSEXUAL and 2) INTERESTED IN GETTING MARRIED!

and also? Mika? having a baby at any age is exhausting, i don't care if you're 15, 25, or 35. you still get your world jerked around when you have to function under extreme sleep deprivation. i didn't burst into tears at the social security office while trying to get a rush job on my kids' cards because i was 35...i did it because i was delirious with exhaustion. don't even go there!

she managed to be insulting, patronizing, ageist, out of touch, and hetero-privileged in one neat little maddening blog post. in a way, isn't that too a victory?

Mika and Huffington Post could have completely missed me with this. but there is one idea that has definitely crystalized for me. Between Joe's smarmy frat-boy smirk, Pat Buchanan playing the role of everyone's favorite insane racist uncle, and Mika's Donna Reed outlook on what REALLY matters to working "girls," i need to just keep watching the Today show Blue's Clues (keeping it real).

Friday, November 6, 2009

no, i'm not the police captain from Law & Order!

this story actually rated a double take/eyeroll/sigh from your's truly. how did he NOT know who he was on the panel with?

From Crooks and Liars:

During some of the media's endless coverage of the Fort Hood shootings today, Larry King brought in former POW Shoshana Johnson, Dr. Phil McGraw and former JAG officer Tom Kenniff to speculate about what the mindset of the accused attacker Nidal Malik Hasan may have been. When Kenniff called some of CNN's previous coverage on the topic "psycho-babble", tried to say that a ranking officer could not be suffering from PTSD and asserted that Hasan's motivations looked more like an act of terrorism because he has a Muslim name, Shoshana Johnson and Phil McGraw both rightfully called him out for it.

When Kenniff while attempting to counter McGraw and Johnson asked Johnson if she had ever been to Iraq, she had to remind him that she was a POW:

KENNIF: I spent a year in Iraq, ma'am. Have you ever been to Iraq?
JOHNSON: I'm a POW. I got shot.
Kenniff was obviously unaware that Johnson was in fact the first female African American POW in U.S. history.

Seriously, read the story, transcript and all.

Quick Riddle: The 2002 Remix

Q: what's scarier than a lunatic with two blazing guns on a military base?

A: A Jordanian Muslim lunatic with a funny sounding name in traditional garb going to a convenience store that happens to have a mosque nearby to buy coffee in the morning....apparently.

there are so many what the fuck-inducing moments in this video is makes my head spin.

i thought it was bad enough that last evening when Lou Dobbs kept reassuring his audience that the shooter is in fact American. American BORN, even.....of Jordanian descent.

it seems to me that since his citizenship can't be denounced*, now the man's religion and his clothing are under scrutiny.

but how random is it that the reporter says he drove to the store in a car with a Virginia license? erm...he's from Virginia!

and stating he may have had a conflict, due to his Muslim faith, with shooting and killing other Muslims in war kinda implies that NO ONE ELSE WHO WAS SHOT was Muslim. now is that a fact? i don't know. and i bet the reporter doesn't know either.

there was so much speculating and pointless scrutiny going on, for a second i though perhaps i was watching TMZ!

it goes without saying that i'm not trying to defend this dude's actions. i'm just noting that there surely wasn't this much scrutiny when Tim McVeigh blew up that federal building and killed those people, right? did anyone reassure us he was American-born, of ___________ descent?

oh, right. no one had to tell us HE was American.

and now instead of focusing on the fact that a horrible tragedy has struck the victims, their families and the family of the shooter....all of us, American....we have CNN showing us surveilance footage of the shooter buying coffee at 6:00 am.

listen it's not 2002, you don't have to try to scare us by throwing out hints that the dude is a terrorist sympathizer motivated by anti-American sentiment. 8 years later, i can recognize the buzz words from a mile away.

just tell us the news.

An American soldier coldly murdered 13 people and injured 32 on a military base in TX.

we should be comforting one another, not taking this as yet another chance to throw suspicion on the Muslim faith.

why won't racism let Americans be great?

*at least i don't think it can be denounced but can someone check to see if Orly Taitz has filed a lawsuit demanding to see his birth certificate yet?

Monday, November 2, 2009

tried and tried and tried to tell ya.

this is a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader. in black face. and body. i don't even have to do any research to asSURE you, she didn't mean it in an offensive way, is mortified that anyone would be offended, and sincerely apologizes to all those hypersensitive enough to catch a chip offended by her innocent actions. 


i blame you, Kayne

you had to go and scar the girl in the biggest moment of her young life thus far, didn't you? now look!

to her defense, the guy in the shirt said the image started off as an X but was later "perverted" during the evening's festivities.

totally believable. did i ever tell you about the time i decided to wear a large white hat for Easter Sunday? by early afternoon, it had totally been "perverted" into a Klans hood. and i was at a black church.
