The gods condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly push a boulder to the top of a mountain, only for the stone to fall back down the mountain before reaching the top. There is no more dreadful a punishment than futile and hopeless labor. But, it's an intersting thing when the only thing new or exciting about your life is when it all comes crashing back down on top of you...
"I have a dream today. I have a dream that we can stop playing not just the blame the messenger game; I have a dream that we can stop playing the game of blame the messenger who's specifically saying the opposite message."
glenn, you're level of deepness is way to deep to even acknowledge. keep it crazy, homeslice.
i found this nice little gem earlier today on Crooks and Liars. i had no idea how much fun tea baggers are. there's an extra warm spot in my heart for the dude who, while talking about Obama, almost said "criminal record" rather than "college record."
*sigh*...he's so dreamy.
- Best April opening ever, beating "Anger Management's" $42.2 million.
- Best Universal Pictures opening ever (three-day), beating "The Lost World: Jurassic Park's" $72.1 million.
- Best opening yet in 2009, easily beating the bows of the more-buzzed-about "Monsters vs. Aliens" ($59.3 million) and "Watchmen" ($55.2)."