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Saturday, January 31, 2009

it's like it's 1980 all over again!!

when i was small, the commercials for the movie friday the 13th would be enough to scare the lights out of me. i told myself i never wanted to see this movie and hated accidentally thinking about it before i went to sleep. we go again!

click the picture for good times.

and now for an important request:

Marry ME, T.J.

Stay Tuned for a Surprise Paternity Test for his Girlfriend From Middle School!!!

the other day i overheard a conversation about the controversial art installations The Assassination of Barack Obama and The Assassination of Hillary Clinton by artist Yazmany Arboleda. the conversation centered around the outrage that someone would create what was supposed to be a work of art around racist and sexist images and words, using images of Obama and his children. particular outrage was expressed at his usage of that rhesus monkey don imus' words "nappy-headed hoes" with a photo of Malia and Sasha.

when the controversy first ignited, i went to the websites and looked at the installations. what struck me about them was the fact that the artist did not create these words; he used words which have already appeared in various forms of media and juxtaposed them with photos of the Obamas and Clintons. the outrage felt by the photos of Malia and Sasha should match the outrage we should all have felt when imus referred to the Rutgers girls in that way: they are someone's daughters too. and when that attack came out of nowhere against them, i'm sure they felt vulnerable, frightened, disoriented, and hated. as one must feel in the midst of an assassination attempt.

in my opinion, the point of the works is to show us that these words, actions, and commodification have the intent of stealing something from their targets; diminishing them, making them less, in a cowardly attack which seems to come out of nowhere.

since President Obama took office, i have been wrestling with how his image and that of the first family has been treated by the media. i've grown tired of the dancing Obama skits, of impersonators dancing to "single ladies" on ET, stories about how he's dressed, backhanded comments regarding his middle name...but CNN this morning took it to a whole other level:

the front page of reported...because this is very important news....

Obama's Half-Brother Arrested on Charge of Marijuana Possession

now, knowing what we know about President Obama and his kenyan family, why exactly is this news? cnn themselves report:

"In his memoir, 'Dreams from My Father,' Barack Obama describes meeting George as a 'painful affair.' Barack Obama's trip to Kenya meant meeting family he had never known.

"The two men share the same Kenyan father. In the memoir, Barack Obama struggles to reconcile with his father after he left him and his mother when he was just a child.

"Barack Obama Sr. died in a car accident when George was just 6 months old. Like his half brother, George hardly knew his father.

"George was his father's last child and had not been aware of his famous half brother until he rose to prominence in the Democratic primaries last year."

i believe the same possessiveness and protectiveness which the people discussing the art installations felt is the same which i feel right now. understanding what it's like being black in america makes you aware of certain realities. one of those realities is that in the minds of many, you are already indicted: from that point on, it's just a matter of finding the corroborating evidence of guilt.

it's why we get followed around in stores, pulled over by police more often, looked upon with suspicion on the streets, accused of assault because we had the poor form to defend ourselves and demand respect.

it makes me pretty angry to see this happening to this President and the subjective media not even having the self-awareness to avoid it. but i think it answers the question posed a few weeks back by the same news organization: is the election of Barack Obama the realization of Dr. King's dream?

nope. not even close.

Friday, January 30, 2009

wake up call!!

one of my cousins once told me that if a person tries to tell you something about themselves, you should believe them. don't waste time trying to talk someone out of it, if they tell you they are bad news, take their word for it! they're not trying to be modest, they telling you what you're in for!

which brings us to this poor, misguided soul right here: christina raines, future of mr. drew "marriage is murder" peterson. read this garbage right HERE!

Peterson, 55, a former Bolingbrook cop, said he's eager to marry Raines, 24, even though he understands why her relatives may not be thrilled with the idea. "I will acknowledge 100 percent that I would have concerns if I were the friends and family of this young girl!"

well thank the LORD he isn't one of her friends or family members....what, what??

man, i hope she watches peterson's interview on nightline and changes her mind about some stuff, because he is trying to tell her something important!! otherwise, see you in the news, miss raines.

UPDATE: turns out she watched peterson's interview on nightline and changed her mind about some stuff!!! martin bashir just saved your life, halleluyer!


this cute as a button kid model is being called a dead ringer for sasha obama.

apparently, we shouldn't let the fact that she looks nothing like sasha stop us from saying she does...or...something.

and the booking agents apparently aren't letting the fact that she looks nothing like sasha stop them from booking her for photo shoots portraying the first kid.

reminds me of the time i was told at a wedding reception that i look just like that lovely girl will smith is married to...what's that? why yes, i WAS the only black person at the wedding! how did you know?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Why so crazy, man?

haysoos on a saltine cracker, people are crazy as hell!! why can't people just be okay with the break-up??

VICTORVILLE, Calif. - Prosecutors say a spurned lover ambushed his ex-girlfriend and tried to cut out the breast implants he paid for by stabbing her.
San Bernardino County prosecutor David Foy says 28-year-old Thomas Lee Rowley attacked his ex in July 2006 outside her mother's home in Hesperia, some 70 miles northeast of Los Angeles in the Mojave Desert.
Rowley is on trial in Superior Court in Victorville for attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, stalking, burglary, and false imprisonment.
The 26-year-old woman survived six stab wounds and the punctured breast implants were repaired.
Rowley's former roommate Dennis McGill testified this week that the defendant wanted to reclaim what was rightfully his. Rowley allegedly told McGill, "I'm gonna cut 'em out and get em back."

this story has inspired me to come up with a new line of personal safety/defense items for women. Behold, i bring to you:


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

and they drove a black car with a black dog in the backseat!!!

gloria d. mosovich, a landlord in buffalo, recently had her ass handed to her in court because she violated fair housing law. and yet, despite evidence which proved that she's rather lie like a bitch than rent to an african american, she came away from the judgement with this statement:

“Now come on. Was that fair? Now where did I discriminate? The people I rented it to are African- American. Now will you please tell me where I discriminated?” said mosovich.

well, let me break it down for you, miss mosovich:

after the case against you was opened, the fair housing center decided to test you to see if you'd again do what you'd been accused of...AND YOU DID. you told the black testers that the apartment wasn't available but then told the white tester that it was.

your performance in the test completely contradicts your defense that the reason you told the nice black girl the apartment wasn't available was because you had just rented the apartment 2 days prior to someone else. because if the apartment had really really been rented, you wouldn't have offered it to the white tester, now would you?

but, you argue, you rented the apartment to an african american family! how did you discriminate?

because you told someone an apartment wasn't available for rent when it clearly was. otherwise, you wouldn't have offered it to the white tester. and at the last second choosing to rent to a black family doesn't fool anyone or change those facts.

i hope this clears things up for you. and i'm glad to hear you'll be writing a couple of good sized checks to make up for your violation of the housing law. and even if you don't want to admit it to the press or to the girl who you denied an apartment to...deep down inside, you can agree that you'll never make this particular mistake again, right?

Saturday, January 24, 2009


the prospect of painful death never looked so cute!

If he just went ahead and kissed a boy, i bet he'd like it.

let's take a moment to consider 1) american idol, 2) simon cowell, and 3) rock bottom.

american idol brought it's usual freak show to the airwaves this past week. along with the obligatory horrible singers, we now have a new bitchy judge, and paula going from spaceball to slightly less popular mean girl who only talks shit if she's sure she's got backup, and who then runs to the bathroom to throw up her lunch.

yeah, paula has become Heather Duke....

and of course we have simon's usual stale gay jokes.

simon is one of those guys that always seems to take it there: no matter what the topic of discussion, he's gonna bring it back around to dudes kissing dudes on the pee-pee. and i thought the word was out on this type of behavior, but apparently not. therefore, let me break it down like a scene from Yo Gabba Gabba:

when a seemingly straight man constantly cracks on gay men, it is because he secretly wants to kiss a gay man because he is secretly a gay man. those of us comfortable in our sexuality know this, and these sad fools are not tricking anyone.

i know a guy who constantly talks about the "gay guys" at his gym who want to sleep with him and yet he is constantly walking around buck-ass-naked around these same men. and yeah, i understand that's what happens in locker rooms, but on the treadmill?? a.little.much.

but i digress...

so here is simon, seeing a male contestant coming into the room, thinking "i'd like to kiss his pee-pee...maybe he'd like to kiss my pee-pee?....wait a minute, i can't want that, i have to like women otherwise my mother will never forgive me...must throw everyone off the trail while my erection shrinks...HE'S GAY...MUST RIDICULE HIM...breastsbreastsbreastsbreasts!"

or some shit.

but as i've stated, it's the oldest trick in the book (second oldest?) and it fools absolutely no one. which brings us to rock bottom:

“In my opinion, Simon Cowell is the biggest queen on TV. To me, he gives off a ‘bi/gay’ vibe and tends to carry on with bitchy, campy commentary. I know a lot of gay men and Simon seems to me like a ‘gay wannabe.’” - Randy Jones, the cowboy from The Village People.

now, listen: when you get called out by a member of the village people, you just need to go ahead and kiss a boy on the mouth, because now it's just embarrassing.

so here's to you, simon: go on ahead and kiss a boy! it's really great, i highly recommend it! but don't let it be ryan...i heard that bitch has lip herpes.

Ant Re-Re's hat gets around!

there's nothing worse than a slut-ass hat. nothing! always trying to sit on people's heads, being all loud and promiscuous...

hat tip to That Bitch...see what i did there?

a question begs a question begs a question:

me: i feel like i'm in a rut. can you suggest something that i can do to bring some pizazz into my life?

he: did you not know this was going to happen when you had kids?

me (inside voice): couldn't your mother have just had an abortion and spared us all??

Friday, January 23, 2009

but that's MY nickname!!

Submitted without comment:

Drunken Negro Cookies.

Talk amongst yourselves.

Facebook: the last and final straw

recognizing that domestic violence is never ever something to joke about*, i am pretty amazed at some of the things that finally set people off. in this particular instance, it was the fact that his estranged wife changed her facebook relationship status to single...

do you reckon he didn't know until then??

*unless of course, i'm telling you the always humorous story about the beatdown i administered to a certain someone who failed to feed my cat after i'd been away on a week long business trip.

well, like they say in texas: now i hate dr. phil too.

i tried to watch dr. phil last night and just couldn't take it. his guests at the beginning of the show were ann coulter and alan colmes. and while i'm used to seeing ann on talk shows, i am not used to watching shows in which she has a large amount of support coming from the audience. it seemed like the more outlandish and offensive she became, the more some in the audience absolutely loved it.

and of all the people he could have had on the show representing counterpoint, he chooses alan colmes?? well, that was useless.

gone are the days when ann coulter had to shut the hell up because her jaw was wired shut. she's going from show to show using the same lines over and over again....(yes, yes, last 12 kings of Swaziland, i've heard that one 3 times already)...basically making herself and her career relevant again on the coattails of President Obama.

when i heard those people in the audience cheering as she defended sarah palin's vacuousness as authenticity, i just kept reminding myself of one thing ann wrote last year:

In an April 2, 2008 column, she characterized Barack Obama's book Dreams From My Father as a "Dimestore Mein Kampf." Coulter writes, "He says the reason black people keep to themselves is that it's 'easier than spending all your time mad or trying to guess whatever it was that white folks were thinking about you.' Here's a little inside scoop about white people: We're not thinking about you. Especially WASPs. We think everybody is inferior, and we are perfectly charming about it."

ok, so it's clear that i'm not her audience. and i'm not even going to go there about someone who says that but then runs her trap about the horrors of jeremiah wright (wait, who?). but now that dr. phil has given her a welcome platform for her nonsense, i'm not part of his audience either. and that's a shame, because dr. phil has some of the best make-up artists and hairstylists out there! his team can take a guest with 2 pieces of hair and 5 teeth and make them look like marilyn monroe! AND THOSE ARE THE MEN!

i guess i'll just have to find other crappy tv shows to watch at 8 pm.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

AND i'm psychic.

some hardworking maintenance men have been in my office all day with tiles out of the ceilling, working on pipes, draining nasty looking water into a bucket at the front of my desk.

i said to myself this morning, "self?"

i sez "self...wouldn't it be just your luck for that nasty water to somehow get all over your carpet...coming dangerously close to your clandestine heater....and getting on your shoes....? wouldn't that just be your luck, self?"

well guess what the fuck just happened!

can you get mesothelioma from dirty ass water? because i'm thinking i'm going to be breathing this for quite a while since NO ONE is going to bother to clean my carpet!


I'm working on a Risperdal mist

to say that i work in a safe and healthy environment would be a stretch...and by stretch, i mean "a damnable lie." there are so many lines of division in this place that it looks like cheesecloth. and most of these lines of division are created to ensure negativity and discord amongst employees.

i try to maintain a positive attitude and be friendly to people i'd much rather set on fire and i am beginning to believe that that kindness is definitely being taken as weakness. and that puts me in a situation where i can either maintain my professionalism or lose it completely.

and the fact that i have to come into this environment to work for a paycheck that is mostly gone within 72 hours of getting paid is grating.

and by grating...i mean fucked up.

well, the good news is that baring a layoff, i only have to keep doing this for the next, what, 30 years or so.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

life's even harder when you pick the wrong battles

the last few weeks have been pretty tough on me. the reality of life has caused me to let go of some of the few comforts i allowed myself: a snazzy bells and whistles cell phone service and wonderfabulous cable television.

after realizing that i am a financially busted mother of two who is not allowed to have those things because my money is tied up in survival, despite the fact that i have two degrees and earn a "middle class" salary...

i felt depression. sadness. embarrassment.

the whole situation and ensuing self-pity gave me pause to think about the times when my mother wasn't even able to provide things for me and how she must have felt. times were hard but not because she didn't work; because her earnings didn't always kept pace with the cost of living. i remember more than one christmas when there weren't any presents. and sometimes where wasn't that much food. and sometimes no phone or lights.

but no matter what, she made sure we had a place to live. we were fortunate enough to never have to worry about sleeping in shelters or having our things set out on the street by our landlord.

so putting that all in perspective, i'm embarrassed for a whole other reason: i'm embarrassed that instead of being thankful that i can provide housing, food, transportation, and clothing for my children, i'm bent out of shape about a cell phone and the fact that i'm not going to be able to watch the new season of Big Love ....shudder....yeah, it still stings a bit.

and i'm embarrassed that i have the gall to feel sorry for myself when i know now more than ever my mother carried a much greater financial burden than i do.

as i learn these lessons, i wish i could go back and tell my mother that everything is ok and that she IS doing a great job as a mother and provider. but since i can't, the least i can say to myself in the midst of my pity-party is "GET OVER YOURSELF."

everything is ok. i AM doing a great job as a mother and a provider.

and there's always Hulu!


Boss - did you go upstairs to get ice?

Worker X - yes, but i didn't get any. there's a problem with the ice machine.

Boss - did you check to see if it was full?

Worker X- no, there was a sign on the front that said "stop: do not open."

Boss - look, it's a yes or no question: did you check to see if it was full??, i followed directions.

Staff Meetings are Fun!!

Boss - If you want to work a flex schedule, you need to give me a proposal outlining what your deliverables will be, such that your productivity is greater than if you worked a traditional schedule.

Worker - So, you want me to prove to you that i'll somehow be MORE productive and produce more "deliverables" simply because i'll be working 8:30 - 4:30 rather than 8:00 to 5:00?

Boss- yes.

Worker - Even though traditionally, when asking to work a flex schedule, the worker has to illustrate for management that no loss of job productivity will occur with a changed schedule, you want me to prove to you how coming in at 8:30 and leaving at 4:30 is going to make me even more productive when i'll be doing the exact same job?

Boss - yes.

Worker - I feel like i'm being set up for failure.

Boss - No!! Now why do you say that???

So, are you Beavis or Butthead?

Worker -, as I was saying, i really think the topics discussed at this training are really topical. I may not do those things exactly, but i think they skill set they build upon can be applied to what i do do...

Boss - (snort) hahahaha, you said do-do!

Attack of the Dumbass Smartass

9:10 am

Boss - Good morning.

Worker - Good morning.

9:35 am

Boss - Well, hey! I didn't know you were here today!

Worker - ......

Boss - I mean, when i looked at the sign in/out board, your dot says you're out, so I didn't realize you were here!

Worker -, is that right.